Tuesday, August 18, 2009


We used to own a Pizza Restaurant. Peppers' Pizza. We had a buffet and always had the lasagna on the buffet and it never lasted long. Too much work and not enough profit so we moved on down our long line of businesses.

Meat Sauce:
3 Tablespoon butter
3 garlic cloves
1 Cup green peppers
1 1/2 Cup onion
2 Cup mushroom
3 lbs beef
salt and pepper
4 Cup spaghetti sauce

Saute garlic in butter
Add green peppers, onions and mushrooms.
Salt and pepper.
Add beef then
add spaghetti sauce.
1 lb lasagna noodles (16 strips)

Middle Cheese:
1 1/2 lb. cottage cheese
1 lb. ricotta cheese
1 lb. sour cream

Top Cheese:
20 ounces grated cheddar cheese

Layer 8 noodles on bottom of 12x20 pan.
Place half of the meat suace on top
Top with middle cheese
Another layer of noodles
The other half of the meat
Bake at 350 degrees for about 50 minutes
Top with cheddar cheese
Bake until cheese is melted

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