Thursday, September 5, 2013

Home-made Caramels

1/2 lb real butter (2 sticks), 
2 cups sugar, 
2 cups light Karo syrup, 
1/4 teaspoon salt. 

Put all these in a deep pan and melt together on medium high heat stirring constantly until the mix bubbles boiling. 

Then sloooowwwly add in 1 can evaporated milk, so it keeps boiling. 

Boil at 245 to 250 degrees or you can do what I do and just stir constantly on high heat until it turns a light caramel color. 

Then, take from heat and stir in 1 teaspoon vanilla quickly. 

Pour right away into a well buttered pan and let cool. I do it at night and cut them in the morning with a butter knife and wrap separately in wax paper. 

They taste GOOD!!! Good luck!

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